Hope you all enjoyed your holiday!
In my role as the Negotiations Chair, I will be updating you periodically as negotiations progress. We have met with the College and their attorney several times now, and we have also met as a team together with our union representative at least once a week to prepare for the sessions. The bargaining atmosphere at the table has been cordial, and productivity has been slow but steady.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the rest of the Negotiating Team for all of the time and effort they have put into this process and will continue to put in to secure a fair and equitable collective bargaining agreement. Even at the best of times, volunteering to be on this committee is an overwhelming and thankless job but especially so in this financial climate with all the obstacles we face in the public sector.
We look forward to a time when we can present a tentative agreement to the bargaining unit which we recommend for settlement. Until that time, we intend to update you as best as we can by way of this website and membership meetings. Look for announcements for membership meetings – we will attempt to arrange for a meeting in December.
In the meantime, thank you for your patience and your support.